"This isn't just a plan to say how do I get money from FEMA."

Public Hearing For Review of the Draft Scott County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan
September 19, 2011 - 6:oo p.m. 
Scott County Library, 200 North Sixth Street, Eldridge Iowa
Part 1 -- 0:00-43:10 - http://youtu.be/_3rpVX8_duc (43 mins)
Part 2 -- 44:10 - 57:43 - http://youtu.be/7baqocvKZRc (13 mins, below)

(Video Part 1)
I. Introductions
II. Power Point presentation - Bi-State Staff
What is Hazard Mitigation?
What does the Hazard Mitigation Plan Include?
III. Open Forum for Review of the Draft Plan
(Video Part 2)
IV. Questions and Answers
Public Comments must be received no later than October 7, 2011.

Upon leaving meeting, Michael Angelos, Iowans For Accountability Treasurer and Scott County for Ron Paul co-chair, stated, "Eminent domain issues will be coming up due to this plan." 
Note: County staff stated that this deadline also included POSTMARKED by October 7, 2011 and can also be emailed to thuey@scottcountyiowa.com, the lead planner working with Bi-State Regional Commission to complete this documentation. 

Excerpts from the Q&A

Public: It says the way land and buildings are developed. 

Is that government land buildings or is that privately held land and buildings? 

City of Davenport: That would be both. 

City of Davenport: In a sense if this were adopted as part of a comprehensive plan, then it gives it a little more impetus, I guess would be one way to say it, to say, Okay, here's another thing that says you should be doing this.  And it's for the betterment for basically the health and safety of the people that live in Davenport, or in this case Scott County. 

Scott County: By the very nature [these plans] sometimes have competing or contradictory aspects to them.  And that's up to the political process to make a determination.

Liberty Pamphlet During Constitution Week

For Immediate Release
September 19th, 2011 
News from the front lines of the local liberty movement brought to you by Iowans For Accountability NPPO
Contact: Michael D. Elliott  Phone: (563)570-5395   Email: webmaster@superliberty.com
Constitution Week
As we work through this week, let us remember that this week is Constitution week as so declared by all the governments across America by law. And in that spirit, Michael D. Elliott, the chairman of Iowans for Accountability and SuperLiberty has his own Liberty Pamphlet to share with everyone. “It is my hope that people will take a moment this week to reflect on what principles made this nation great in the past, and I offer my own explanation of those principles with this Liberty Pamphlet.”

IFA Open Letter to Scott County Grand Jurors

[Note: Hard copies of this letter below, along with the enclosures listed below, were mailed via USPS certified mail to the names listed below on Thursday August 25, 2011.  Contact information for these grand jurors can be found here.]
August 25, 2011
TO: Scott County Iowa Grand Jurors:
Rosemary Hasenmiller (Forewoman)
Mark Burgmeier
Tochcia Butler
Ellen Frey
Andrew Nanspreybroeck
Cheryl Shuppy
Angela Ubel
Alternates, Scott County, Iowa Grand Jurors:
Daniel Armstrong
Eric Baker
Yvonne Hamilton
Kristine Royster-Teitle
Bradley Simmons
Kevin Tague
Nanette Trudell

FROM: Scott County Iowans For Accountability (IFA)
PO Box 514, Bluegrass, Iowa 52726

RE: Grand Jury Toolkit
Dear Scott County Iowa Grand Jurors:
Thank you for serving and protecting the people of Scott County. Please note the attached copy of Scott County Attorney Mike Walton's June 14th letter notifying you that you may be contacted.

Iowans For Accountability (IFA) was formed in August 2010 as a Non Party Political Organization, under Iowa Code Title II, Chapter 44.1. IFA has been scrutinizing government activity in Scott County such as the consolidated dispatching center (aka SECC911), Scott County Board meetings and staff communications, and Scott County Courthouse procedures and proceedings. IFA seeks to increase government accountability and transparency. To that end, when the citizens of Scott County have access to a fully informed and active Grand Jury, the people can be protected from government overreach and injustice.

The body of both Mr. Walton's letter and this letter (without your names) will be published in the next issue of IFA’s newsletter The Concerned Citizen. Your names and contact information (attached) will be available at the IFA website for concerned citizens who wish to contact you.
We have compiled this open letter to augment your grand jury training and to generate more awareness of the full scope and importance of the Grand Jury's duties and responsibilities.

Scott County Grand Jury Contact List

These Grand Jurors are in service through February 2012.
Click here to read the IFA Open Letter to Scott County Grand Jury.
Note: 1-7 are seated grand jurors; 8-14 are alternates

The contact information was provided by Julie Carlin, the Clerk of the Court
(563) 326-8607 julie.carlin@iowacourts.gov

Video: IFA Questions SECC911 Progress Report

Thursday, August 18, 2011 | DAVENPORT, IOWA - Scott County Emergency Communications Center, aka SECC911 http://www.secc911.com - Monthly board meeting of the unelected board members who over see the consolidated dispatching of Bettendorf, Davenport and Scott County. Brian Hitchcock is the SECC911 Director who reports to  (l to r) Tom Sunderbruch (Scott County Supervisor), Bill Gluba (Davenport Mayor) and Marty O'Boyle (Eldridge Mayor) and off camera to the left Dr. Frank Claudy (Medic EMS Board President) and not present Mike Freemire (Bettendorf Mayor).


At the 6 min mark http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOfsuIgWWFU&feature=player_detailpage#t=368s SECC911 board member Dr. Frank Claudy president of Medic EMS board, is reassured that the reason the 911 dispatcher can't switch the call to Medic is a "compatibility issue."

They Decide 2012: Obama, Romney, Paul, Perry, Bachmann

A very informative chart being shared at the Iowa GOP Straw Poll in Ames, Iowa on Saturday August 13th, 2011.   One person's view on the day in Ames and what it means to IFA members, is also available here.

Photo by Jesse Anderson

IFA Flyers the Bachmann Event Sunday July 24th

Michael Elliott and Michael Angelos, founders of Iowans For Accountability (IFA), attended the public event hosted by the Michelle Bachmann campaign on Sunday July 24, 2011 at the Hotel Blackhawk in downtown Davenport, Iowa. The two handed out copies of The Concerned Citizen publication along with a flyer comparing the constitutional records of the only two members of the US Congress vying for the GOP nomination, Bachmann and Ron Paul.

Here is a copy of the flyer.
and a PDF available HERE.

Michael Angelos was escorted out of the meeting by a Bachmann security person. Approximately 90 flyers and papers were distributed.


Michael Elliott was interviewed by a reporter from KWQC TV-6 News after Bachmann's speech. His comments made it to the 10pm news that evening.

"She talked about how everybody has the right of pursuit of happiness and
keep the fruits of your labor. I thought it was pretty ironic because she
worked for the IRS as an attorney taking away the fruits of that labor,"
said Michael Elliott of Davenport.

Scott County Iowa Supervisors Vote 3-2 to Adopt Sustainability Plan, aka United Nations' Agenda 21 as the "New Normal"

NOTE: Audio file enhanced with more gain is available here -- Audio file only of May 12th Scott County Board Meeting

On May 12, 2011 the Scott County Board of Supervisors voted 3-2 to adopt the Scott County Sustainability Plan in order to influence fiscal policy to achieve behavior change in Scott County.

The Resolution voted upon was not posted until hours before the Board meeting on May 12th.
Resolution posted May 12th: http://www2.scottcountyiowa.com/board/pub/enclosures/2011/20110512_Board%20Meeting/07_Sustainability_Plan.pdf

Public comments by:
  • Robin Priestly - Definitions of ROI not in Plan, will be costly to taxpayers without them
  • Todd McGeevy - Central planning failures, violation of Oath, False premises for need & purposes, Conflict of interest for Treasurer of Bi-State to vote on the budget increase to pay for Plan
  • Jesse Anderson - Standards being adopted would preclude his new home from being built in LeClarie and the homes of Supervisors would not meet the very standards they are voting in, one supervisor has 5000sf home, on 3.5 acres, with in-ground pool, outbuilding
  • Diane Holst - Citizen participation was less than 25 people in a pop of 166,000 or .015% participation, Plan being voted on is Agenda 21 driven by the very definitions in the Plan, Sustainability Council that this Plan will go to is made up of countries we would never allow to influence us otherwise
  • Larry Bell -Three strikes with increased budget, SECC911 and now Plan -- voting yes to this will mean a lost election in the future
  • Michael Elliott - Sustainable Development grants privileges and does not protect individual rights and civil violations are turned into criminal acts
  • Roger Mahl - Cautions that vagueness of Plan will provide opportunity for abuse by future supervisors and staff, please table for more review
  • David Hartsuch - Sustainability is a term not a policy that means different things to different people. Plan would put extensive restrictions on private property development.
  • Joe Venhorst - Shame on this board for adopting a United Nations Agenda 21 driven Plan
Motion to Table by Cusack, Seconded by Earnhardt - Motion to Table Votes:
Hancock, Minard, Sunderbruch - NO
Cusack, Earnhardt - YES

Motion to Approve Resolution by Minard, Seconded by _______ . Votes:
Hancock, Minard, Sunderbruch - YES
Cusack, Earnhardt - NO

[Note: A split vote on this board is highly unusual. No member of the mainstream media was present, including the typically present reporter from the Quad City Times.]

Video: http://youtu.be/Hg1AEdfb2AA

The board allowed public comment prior to the vote -- which they rarely do as a Resolution does not require a public hearing -- and nine people addressed the board. There were approximately 30 people from the private sector, citizens in the county, also in attendance.

For more info, on the challenges with the County adopting this Plan, visit this page at the Scott County IFA Website

IFA Action Alert! Thursday May 12th 5:30 p.m. Public Hearing

Please attend the Thursday May 12th 5:30 p.m. Scott County Board of Supervisors Meeting & Budget Public Hearing

On the Agenda:
1. Standing Up To the UN Agenda 21 (aka Sustainability) in Scott County
2. $878,887 Budget Amendment

The Board will be voting to approve a Sustainability Plan without having made the Resolution public, and without having made the final draft of the plan available to the public.

(Watch this short 3 minute video of the Q&A at the Committee of the Whole from Tuesday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGPepo4lVyw )

The $878,887 budget increase, includes approximately $523,000 of offsetting grant revenues, however it also includes a $300,000 "Judgement paid for prof liability claim."

County staff wants the board to decree that "Sustainability" is the "New Normal" for the citizens of Scott County. This is Agenda 21 being implemented in Scott County, folks. This is how it starts.

IFA Publishes First Edition of The Concerned Citizen

The Concerned Citizen Vol 1 Issue 1

Video: SECC911 April 14th Board Meeting

SECC911 Board Amplifies Racoms Signal Before Coverage Area is Fully Tested

And Calls for Amplifying Its Demand to be Recognized by Mediacom as a new Governmental Body for Special Cable Pricing

DAVENPORT, IOWA | On April 7th the SECC911 Board had a regularly scheduled monthly board meeting. Only Sunderbruch and O'Boyle showed up - Freemire, Claudy and Gluba were not in attendance. http://www.secc911.org/secc/secc_board.php

Members of IFA presented the questions below to the two board members, SECC911 Director Brian Johnson and Scott County Administrator Dee Bruemmer. Since they had no quorum there was no meeting.

Here is the link to the agenda and board packet for the April 7th meeting.
The primary item on the agenda (and outlined in the Packet) was a "dead spot" in a portion of Davenport known as Hillendale on the new proprietary radio system implemented by Racom for the public safety departments of Davenport, Bettendorf and Scott County.

Due to the high volume of public safety calls in Hillendale this dead spot in the system needs fixed right away, explains the memo from Brian Johnson to the board seeking $17K in expenses approved.

There were approximately eight tax payers in attendance on April 7th hoping to get answers to questions like these below. The meeting was re-scheduled for a week later, April 14th at 12pm noon and announced the Monday prior.
April 14, 2011 SECC Packet (464.8 KB)
April 14, 2011 SECC Minutes (94.6 KB)
April 14, 2011 SECC Agenda (10.1 KB)
Below is the 20 min video of the meeting where Frank Claudy (from MEDIC), Mike Freemire (Bettendorf Mayor), Tom Sunderbruch (County Supervisor), Bill Gluba (Davenport Mayor) were in attendance and Martin O'Boyle (Eldridge Mayor) was absent. Brian Hitchcock (SECC911 Director) is in the foreground, Dee Breummer along with Bettendorf Administrator are heard off camera to the right.

Problems with Sustainability Plan DRAFT - Please Pause on Rubber Stamping

April 11, 2011

Dear Scott County Board of Supervisors: 

Please find below, instances where the term "require" is used in the Sustainability Plan DRAFT, the plan proposed by the county staff to be adopted by this Board by the end of April:

Page 3
For others, the awareness and understanding, as well as the actions that may be required to embrace sustainability, may occur much slower.

Page 34
Action: Review Iowa Department of Natural Resources lake and beach monitoring
programs ....for program requirements and opportunities for funding.

Page 36
Incorporate low-emission requirements into bid specifications, both purchasing and contracting.

Video: Bi-State's Sustainability Plan Presentation to Scott County Board

Scott County Board Does Not Understand It Can Take Action When and How It Wishes 
Rubber Stamping Averted - For Now

[APRIL 8 UPDATE: On April 5th County Administrator Dee Bruemmer provided a written response to the series of questions IFA delivered to the Board at the March 29 meeting. Those questions & staff's answers are at the end of this blog posting below. Contact phone & email info for Scott County Board of Supervisors available HERE.]

DAVENPORT, IOWA - March 29, 2011 |  It is painful to watch the slow creep of another layer of top down unelected policy decision making -- another layer of unaccountable government - being born right before your very eyes. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAOaobwQ9IE ]

At the Committee of the Whole meeting of the Scott County Board of Supervisors meeting, Bi-State Regional Commission's Gena McCollough makes the first public presentation to the Board of the proposed Sustainability Plan for Scott County. County staff was authorized to contract the development of this plan with Bi-State (known to some on the county board as "our regional council of governments") a year ago. It was funded by a $50,000 federal department of energy grant.

Some of the advisory committee meetings from last fall were attended by IFA members and videos from those meetings are available here. The presentation in the first ten minutes covers the makeup and membership of that advisory committee and what it contributed. 

What is at risk if this plan is adopted, is the slow creep of another top down bureaucracy, laden with draconian land and personal property management/control enforcement by fiat - aka policy or regulation -- in other words "soft law." 


The four 10 min videos, recording the presentation and subsequent refreshingly atypical Q&A between the board, McCollough and county staff, are now on the IFA youtube channel and embedded below.

There had been no public announcement of the availability of the DRAFT Sustainability Plan until this March 29, 2011 meeting. It had been online for about two weeks prior to this meeting. Staff recommends to the board that 4 weeks of publicly available commenting online is sufficient before a board action to officially adopt this Plan is voted on. There is no discussion as to whether that public comment will be taken into consideration, if so, how and when. (Note: the county has posted 3 responses at this pdf as of this April 5 blog posting: Received Comments (22.7 KB)

SECC911 Dead Spot in High Crime Area Costs Taxpayers $17K More to NoBid Racom

Despite millions being invested in our consolidated dispatching equipment and a new uncapped taxing authority... it looks like the coverage of Racom's communication equipment is lacking and we have a dead spot that happens to be in a high crime area in Davenport, Iowa.  

So what's the remedy? Spend more tax payer money of course. 

Video: IFA Tours the SECC911 Open House

March 20, 2011 - Davenport, Iowa | Members of the Iowans For Accountability were joined by other Scott County taxpayers at the open house for the $28M, 28,000+ square foot Consolidated Dispatching Center, aka SECC911 building.  Below is the copy from the handbill that was handed out to dozens of attendees.  The video of the tour is also embedded below for review.

From the flyer handed out and embedded/linked below.

Did You Know These SECC911 Facts?

Unelected SECC Board with Unlimited Taxing Authority

The question is NOT if it was a good idea to consolidate the 3 dispatch services for cost and safety reasons. We were told it would save taxpayers $4.6 million over 20 years. That figure came from a $103,000 Consolidation Study that outlined how that savings could be achieved through a 6,000 square foot building, costing $2.3 million, and $2.1 million to equip the building.

Instead, SECC911 is now a $26 million project carrying $28 million of debt for 20 years, and is the 2nd largest expenditure of the County budget at $8 million dollars a year.

How did an expenditure of this magnitude never come before the people as a referendum?

Video: Rep. Thede States Removing Collective Bargaining Could Cost Taxpayers More

DAVENPORT, IOWA - - Friday February 25, 2011
Phyllis Thede Iowa District 81 State Representative, discusses what the worst case scenarios could be if Collective Bargaining is removed from the public sector worker's employment. 

Thede, who has "been a union steward for a long time," is interviewed after the Quad City Chamber of Commerce Legislative Luncheon. 

During the Legislative Luncheon, Thede had stood up and addressed the fifty to sixty people in attendance and asked them to have a dialog regarding the happenings in Wisconsin and specifically the "middle ground" regarding Collective Bargaining.  ( See this video clip for her statements to the chamber luncheon attendees:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2lP5QF2a3s )  


When asked what the worst case scenario is for a public worker without collective bargaining, Thede responded: Where will public workers go to have "that conversation, who do they talk to?" 

Q: How does it hurt the public worker if they have to go the same remedies that the private sector has to go to with regards to resolving a problem? 

A: It's not so much hurting, it's the cost, the potential cost. If had no other recourse, as a public worker, I will now seek an attorney. I will go to an attorney thereby costing the place of my employment high dollars of money to solve a case that I could probably solve in a short amount of time. Doe that make sense? 

Video: Regional Leadership Cited as Impetus for County Checkbook Going Online

Beginning Feb 1st, 2011 the expenses of Scott County will be published approximately every two weeks online in searchable PDF format, sorted by Vendor and by Department.
After the news conference (video and news release below), Auditor Moritz stated that having an aggregate report in the future, documenting quarterly, bi-annual and annual expenses by Vendor and Department, was something they had not thought of, but she would work on making that happen.

News Release Submitted to the Media:

Scott County to Post "County Checkbook" On-Line
Cites Regional Leadership Goal as Impetus for Transparency

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
10:00 a.m.
Scott County Administrative Center - 600 West 4th Street
Davenport, Iowa - First Floor Board Room

Contact: Roxanna Moritz, Scott County Auditor 326-8631 (office) 370-3915 (cell)

Scott County Auditor Roxanna Moritz will announce the posting of the "County Checkbook" on-line at a news conference scheduled for Tuesday, February 22, 2011, at 10:00 a.m. at the Scott County Administrative Center, 600 West 4th Street, Davenport, Iowa. She and other county officials will demonstrate how to access this new function from the county website.

Video: The Councils of Governments Amongst Us – Scott County Adopts Ten Smart Planning Principles Resolution, 5-0

It needs to be noted that in individual conversations with board members, the primary reason given for adopting this non-binding measure was to ensure that Scott County was eligible for future potential state and federal grants, related to Sustainable Development and Smart Planning incentives.
While the financial impetus for rubber stamping this measure was brought up by staff in public on January 20th, on February 3rd, Supervisors Cusak and Minard, in their public remarks, did not include grant eligibility as a reason they were voting yes on the staff recommended measure.

Rather, the reasoning leaned towards whether an additional layer of government was needed in the county so cities and counties could "accommodate themselves" in determining the "quality of life we think they should have."

Supervisor Bill Cusack felt assured from staff that these were only guidelines, while supervisor Larry Minard extolled the virtues of layers of regional councils of governments such as Bi-State Regional Commission.  Further, Minard asserts that not only is Scott County powerless to refuse any new taxes to support such a new entities that may emerge as a result of adopting these Smart Planning Principles, but Scott County would be an active participant.

William Cusack on Subjecting County to Outside Pressures:
“I just want to say I’ve done a lot of checking on this, and thinking, and based upon staff’s assurance that this is a guide and will not subject us to any outside pressures or influence, I plan to vote for it.”

Larry Minard on Regional Councils of Governments:
“I don’t think there’s ever been a time in the Bi-State Regional Commission where we haven’t held one of the four major offices. I mean it’s just the way things work. I think this layering is necessary.

The state government, has allowed these structures to develop, they’re not perfect, but they’ve allowed them to develop to meet all those needs, and if such an organization does develop that relates to planning and other issues that might come before it, Smart Planning Principles, the state will decide that and they will decide whether it’s a taxable organization or it doesn’t tax.
They will decide what’s going to happen, we won’t. But I can guarantee you that if we have that organization that Scott County will be a participant and play an active role.
And we always have and we will continue to do that and we will do what best reflects well of the citizens of Scott County and allows our people to have that quality of life that we think they should have.”

Full transcript of the Supervisors' comments are found below.
Video here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ScottIFATV#p/u/1/-XPKxo4lg4w

February 3, 2011 | Davenport, Iowa – The Scott County Board of Supervisors voted 5-0 to adopt the state's Smart Planning Principles for the County Comprehensive Plan.
This resolution, first proffered by staff via the Planning and Zoning division of the county structure for a recommendation, came before the supervisors for a single public hearing as required, two weeks prior.

Video: Holst Goes on Record at the EMA Hearing - SECC Misleading the Public

"Nothing that has happened so far gives me faith that you are watching over our tax dollars. When you have a uncapped levy, nothing will control it. There will always be enough money. You'll never be afraid to pass the budget, because there will always be the money. What's happened to date, makes me realize, the taxpayers have to watch over this. And that's why I am here today." - Diane Holst, Eldridge, Iowa

Davenport, Iowa - Feb 1, 2011 | Scott County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) Board Meeting and Public Hearing
Scott County Iowa EMA Board Meeting and Public Hearing 1 of 3 (11 mins)
Scott County Iowa EMA Board Meeting and Public Hearing 2 of 3 (11 mins)
Scott County Iowa EMA Board Meeting and Public Hearing 3 of 3 (3 mins)
Only two tax payers were present for nearly an $8M budget approval public hearing.
The man on the right, Ross Bergen, is the single employee of the Emergency Management Agency, and it is within and underneath this agency functionary that the SECC911 operational budget must finally and formally be approved today.

Ross' one man show operational budget is $126,500 and he has been around for 18 years and is a liaison with the nuclear plants and maintains a 40' mobil command unit purchased with a federal grant (and  is driven by two volunteers, one a former fire chief and the other a OTR driver).

Ross has been operating in loaned space in Bettendorf for four years and is now moving into the new SECC911 building as well.

Today's proceedings, chaired by Bettendorf Fire Chief Gerald Voelliger, included a presentation, public hearing on a $8.85M FY 11 budget amendment for SECC operations.

In addition to this "re-do" that cost tax payers an additional $1M , today's proceedings also included presentation and public hearing on the FY 12 EMA Budget. This EMA budget, typically $125K, is now nearly $8M, because of the requirement that SECC fall under EMA on paper, even though SECC911 is really operating under the purview and control of the County Administration.

This meeting is clearly treated as a formality of little consequence, as the SECC911 Board has already met and approved its $7M annual operating budget. It just NOW needs to ALSO be approved at the EMA's board process, with a public hearing as well.

Since February 2010, Diane Holst has been following the SECC911 saga very closely.

Video: McGreevy Addresses Scott County Board Feb 1, 2011

At the Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Scott County Board of Supervisors Committee of the Whole (COW), Bettendorf resident Todd McGreevy addresses the board and shares with them a proposed resolution to update the county's website policy to make documents generated and posted by staff searchable and more transparent.

In addition, the concerns of ceding authority to a Council of Governments via the Smart Planning Principles outlined in the state code 18B Land Use language, that is being proposed to be adopted this Thursday by the County into its Comprehensive Plan, is presented.

Rubber Stamping Alert! - Regional Non Elected Governance & More Taxes for Scott County Being Dished Up by State's Smart Planning Principles

Contact Your County Supervisor to let them know you want them to Vote NO on adopting the state's non-compulsory, so-called "Smart Planning Principles."


Davenport, Iowa | Thursday, January 20, 2011 - Scott County Board of Supervisors (Jim Hancock, Larry Minard, Tom Sunderbruch, Bill Cusak, Carol Earnhardt) conduct a public hearing regarding staff's recommendation to adopt the State of Iowa's "Ten Smart Planning Principles" as part of the county's comprehensive plan. (Staff Provided Enclosure for Board & Public - FE-6.pdf)

County Planner Tim Huey and County Administrator Dee Breummer answer questions and provide their perspective regarding the testimony of Diane Holst (Eldridge, Iowa) and Todd McGreevy (Bettendorf, Iowa), who request that the Board not adopt these principles.

Holst and McGreevy cite the state wide task force's Smart Planning report  and its proposal to create regional Councils of Government (COGs) and levy taxes to support paying for implementation of a Smart Plan for all the jurisdictions beneath the regional COG. McGreevy points out that while the board's enclosures regarding this matter, provided by county staff state that this measure must be taken in order to comply with state law, that is in fact, not true as no where in the state legislation they refer to, does the state compel a jurisdiction to comply.

No citizens spoke in favor of adopting these Smart Planning Principles.

The state legislation that is driving this request from county staff is Senate File 2389. ( http://rio.iowa.gov/resources/legisla... ) The board members affirm, in this hearing, that none have read or looked at said Senate File to date. Further, the statewide task force Policy Report (132 pages) on Smart Planning that this legislation enacted, has not been reviewed by the board of supervisors either.

The Board did not vote on this matter at the meeting. When asked when the vote would be taking place, Supervisors Cusack and Earnhardt stated it would take place when Administrator Breummer determined it would take place.

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